KCBS Certified BBQ Judge & Table Captain Class

KCBS Certified BBQ Judge & Table Captain Class
American Legion Post 1977
14414 Ford Drive, New Lenox, IL
Saturday, April 22nd 12:00pm
Kansas City Barbecue Society is the premier standard for BBQ competition known around the world and is coming to American Legion Post 1977!
Joint us at American Legion Post 1977 as we'll be offering a chance to take your BBQ experience to the next level to become a Certified KCBS Judge or Table Captain. Classes will be taught by a KCBS Instructor. These classes are instrumental to up your game of barbecuing for competition as you'll learn what the judges are looking for or take your knowledge and become a judge at a KCBS sanctioned event.
Sign up for one or both and save money!
CBJ class only: $110
CTC class only: $50
Both classes: $135
Registration ends April 15th so sign up now!!
Contact Rich McGuire @ 815.954.7030 or nlmac935@hotmail.com.