LWSRF Golf Outing @ The Sanctuary

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Event Description:
Lincolnway Special Recreation Foundation is hosting its annual golf outings on Friday, August 9th at the Sanctuary in New Lenox as well as Friday, August 16th at Green Garden Country Club in Frankfort. Both golf outings serve as LWSRF fundraisers that can provide financial support to benefit recreational programs for individuals with disabilities at LWSRA. 
We are currently reaching out to golfers and businesses who are interested in playing, sponsoring or providing a raffle basket. Using the link below, select which event you are interested in and please submit sponsorships online. 
If interested in paying via check/e-check, bring payment or raffle basket to LWSRA. We can also arrange for someone to pick up the raffle basket as well.
The Sanctuary Golf Course
Date/Time Information:
Friday, August 9th
Shotgun @ 11am
Set-Up @ 930am
Contact Information:
sponsorships vary and can be found at https://lwsrf.ticketspice.com/lwsrf-golf-outings-2024
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of www.newlenoxchamber.com – Contact the New Lenox Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1 Veterans Parkway, New Lenox, IL 60451 – (815) 485-4241 – emily@newlenoxchamber.com